Dry eyes

Dry eyes result from an imbalance with the tear film, tear production or tear discharge.
The tear film keeps the eye moist. Every time we blink, the tear film is refreshed. The tear film contributes to a healthy eye, good vision and comfort. Blinking keeps our eye clean, flushing dust and bacteria from the eye and preventing infections.

The tear glands are on the outside above the eye. Tear glands produce the tear fluid. Excess tear fluid is drained by the tear outlet.

Dry eyes are relatively common. It is estimated that 10 percent of 40- and 50-year-olds suffer from severe dry eye. This number is higher among those over 65. Women suffer from this more often than men.


  • Dry | burning | stinging | pressing sensation in the eye
  • Excessive tears (The tear gland produces extra tears to resolve the irritation)
  • Alternating visibility
  • Variable eyeglass strength


People suffer from dry eyes faster and more when:

  • Insufficient or incomplete blinking (often during reading or screen work)
  • A dry or warm ambient air (air conditioning, heating)
  • A change in hormones
  • Systemic diseases or a thyroid disorder
  • An irregular cornea

What can be done about it

There are several ways to combat dry eyes. Solutions may include:

  • Advice for (minor) behavioral modifications
  • Artificial tears (drops, gel or ointment)
  • Switching to a different type of contact lens
  • Adjustment in diet
  • Medication

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Published on 14 March 2022