Are there risks with an eyelid correction?

Whether there are risks with an eyelid correction depends on many factors. In our focus clinic in Zwolle we work extremely accurately, so we are specialists. However, every procedure carries risks. With upper eyelid correction, the chance of complications is small, but it is not impossible. For example, you may experience dry or watery eyes. These complaints are generally only temporary. During the free and non-binding consultation (prior to the operation), the risks will be discussed with you.

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Will my eyelid correction be reimbursed by the insurer?2022-05-13T10:24:31+02:00

Whether your eyelid correction is reimbursed by the insurer does not depend on your insurer, but on the type of treatment and the extent to which it bothers you. However, an upper eyelid correction is a cosmetic procedure and is not reimbursed. There are exceptions, but this is rare.

A lower eyelid correction (where the eyelid turns in or out) falls under basic care and is therefore reimbursed.

Because we are a non-contracted healthcare provider, we do not declare the care for you to the health insurer. In principle, you must pay for the care provided at the counter immediately after your appointment by means of a debit card payment, unless other agreements have been made with you. So you first pay for the treatment yourself. You can then submit the invoice you receive from us to your health insurer. What you get back from your health insurer depends on your insurance conditions.

Do I have to go under anesthesia?2022-05-13T10:23:57+02:00

No, our eye surgeon works with a local anesthetic. This means that only the area around your eyes is anesthetized during the treatment. This means you can go home quickly after the treatment and you will not experience nausea as a result of the anesthesia. You also do not need to fast before the treatment.

Do the results of an eyelid correction remain visible for a long time?2022-05-13T10:23:47+02:00

Whether the result of an eyelid correction remains visible for a long time partly has to do with the recovery process, but because with an eyelid correction we remove the excess skin and fat above or below your eyelids, this normally has a long-lasting effect. In general, an eyelid correction is a one-off procedure. It may happen that after about 10 years the skin has aged so much that the drooping eyelids return, in which case a second treatment is possible. However, this does not happen often.

Is an upper and lower eyelid correction possible at the same time?2022-05-13T10:23:39+02:00

An upper and lower eyelid correction at the same time is sometimes possible, but it is often wise to have the upper eyelid correction performed first. After upper eyelid correction you can often better assess whether a lower eyelid correction is still necessary.

Which complaints are associated with drooping eyelids?2024-03-12T14:39:38+01:00

Which complaints are associated with drooping eyelids varies per person, but in general these are the most common complaints:

  • A feeling of heaviness in the upper eyelid
  • Tired eyes
  • Tearing eyes
  • Headache complaints
  • Visual field limitation
  • Difficult to open the eye
How much does eyelid surgery cost?2022-05-13T10:20:17+02:00

At Looks Clinics you pay only € 1.250 for an upper eyelid correction for both eyes. For a lower eyelid correction you pay only € 1.599 for both eyes. The price you pay includes the associated aftercare and checks. So you know in advance exactly what the cost of eyelid surgery will be.

How long does the procedure take?2022-05-13T10:20:34+02:00

The procedure takes 30-45 minutes.

Is the scar visible after the procedure?2022-05-13T10:20:47+02:00

The surgeon operates in such a way that the scar falls into the skin fold after the procedure. This makes the scar minimally visible.

Does an eyelid correction hurt?2022-05-13T10:21:02+02:00

Whether an eyelid correction hurts varies per person, but in general we hear from our patients that it was virtually painless. The local anesthesia you receive may be experienced as unpleasant, but here too we hear few or no complaints about it. After upper eyelid correction, you may experience mild after-pain that resembles the feeling of a graze wound. Paracetamol is generally not necessary, but you can take it to relieve the complaint.

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